
Get Yourself 2020 Ready: Overcoming Challenges

29th November, 2019 Read time: Two minutes

Overcome barriers to make the journey into work or training smoother.

With less than two months left until the new year, it’s a great time to start thinking about what you want to achieve in 2020 and how you can use the rest of 2019 to prepare and give yourself a head-start on those goals.

In this 4-blog series, we will be giving you hints and tips to make sure you can achieve more and hit your targets when the new year begins.

We know there’s more to life than working and when other issues are holding you back, it can be hard to even start thinking about applying for jobs or revamping your CV. That’s why we are committed to helping people from all walks of life and backgrounds to overcome these barriers, before we help you to find the job or course for you.

So, what can we help you with?

A lack of confidence

Many people are held back by a lack of belief in themselves. It might be that you don’t know what skills you have, or that past experiences have given you a false impression of the things you can achieve. Our advisers can talk through your past experience, qualifications and things you enjoy doing, to help you to find out more about yourself and see your potential in a different light.

Not knowing what you want to do

You can’t start making a plan or working on your goals until you know what they are. We see people everyday who don’t know what they want to do in life – in fact, very few people know exactly what they want their life to look like in the future. That’s why our careers advisers use a range of tools to find out what roles and industries are suited to your skills personality and interests. From this, you can get a clearer image of what you want to do in the future and we can help you to create a plan to get there.

Uncertainty with the path you have chosen

Sometimes, things don’t go to plan, and that’s okay. You might be wondering if the career path or job you’ve chosen is right for you, and you might be considering trying something completely different. Equally, things may have been taken out of your control through the threat or risk of being made redundant and you may be facing the reality of having to start again or find a new path in life.

We’ve seen all of this and more plenty of times and our expert advisers can help you to talk through your thoughts and feelings to help you to see the options in front of you with greater clarity and a fresh perspective.

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