
Maths Short Courses

FREE Level 1 and Level 2 Maths qualifications. 

Complete a fully-funded Maths Functional Skills qualification from our Nottingham training centre or online.

We offer online Maths courses for people in employment. 

Have you lived in the UK for 3 years?

If the answer is yes you might be able to complete our courses. To be eligible you must also meet the following criteria:

  • I currently live in England
  • I was aged 19 or over on 31st August 2023
  • I have lived in the UK or EU/EEA for the last 3 years*
  • I am seeking employment/claiming unemployment benefits or earning below £22,308 annually**

* Please contact us for further information on immigration status

** Other state benefits may be accepted, please email or give us a call on 0345 850 8899